Saturday, February 21, 2009

Liberty vs. The State

Over and over again our leaders make statements that indicate that they consider personal liberties and human rights as being mutually exclusive with their ambitions for government programs. I believe, however, that national security, economic well being, and the welfare of our country cannot be maintained without protecting the individual liberties, human rights, and privacy of all men and women.

"Human rights cannot interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises,"

-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in talks with China's foreign minister

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Voice of warning...32 years ago

Part II can be found here:

Monday, February 9, 2009

Let's put this in terms we can all understand

So I was talking to my friend Joe Tackspaier the other day and he told me about some of the financial problems he's having. Apparently he let's his girlfriend use his credit card and she recently went on a shopping spree at the mall and bought $7,800 worth of clothes, shoes, and other stuff. When she told him about it he was a little upset but she calmed him down by explaining that she got a bunch of stuff on sale and that normally it would have been $9,000 so really she saved him $1,200 and besides, it's stuff they "need" anyway. The problem is that Joe only makes $27,000 a year plus they're already $107,300 in debt. To me it's pretty obvious that they are never going to be able to climb out the financial hole they've dug for themselves.
Part of the problem is that Joe doesn't really understand how money works and thinks that because she's putting this on a credit card it's not that bad - that someday in the future he'll be able to pay it off much more easily.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Morality in a Time of Crisis

A lot of people are scared and are unsure of what the future holds in regard to the financial crisis we are facing and I can't say I blame them. Many of our leaders have completely violated the trust that was placed in them and yet they continue to reassure Americans that everything is under control.

It is precisely because of the gravity of the situation that I suggest that we do not succumb to fear by making foolish decisions. Those who do so will surely perpetuate the mistakes that are snowballing our country into financial ruin. Instead it is our responsibility to stand up for what is right and help others to remember that truth can prevail.

In the winter of 1776 Thomas Paine put into words the sentiments of a small band of patriots who faced a battle to save a nation they loved. His words have found profound meaning in times of crisis since then and lend wisdom to our present crisis:

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated."

I would not suggest that the financial problems of today are comparable in magnitude to the fight for independence that Thomas Paine referred to but the nature of the challenge before us is the same, our freedom and liberties are in danger. Our economy teeters on the brink of ruin and in the frenzy of panic there are those who are trying to grab up power and control just like tyrants have done throughout history. Many wonder what to do, who to turn to, and what is right. While the details of the financial situation are admittedly complex, the principles are simple. The right course is to stand up for freedom and realize that you are not alone. Countless patriots have stood up and fought for liberty before you and their memory and the principles for which they fought implore you to take your turn to carry the torch of freedom and boldly hold it up for others to see the way.

The behavior of our elected officials has made more than a few people bitter and frustrated for a variety of reasons. One of those is the blatant encouragement of moral hazard. It's so obvious that many can only respond with half-joking sarcasm, thinking to themselves: "well since the government is handing out free money I should just buy that big ol' house that I've had my eye on. Heaven knows I can't afford it but hey if Uncle Sam is going to make sure I stay in it then why not?".

Don't be tempted to join the wave of immorality that is in fact part of the cause of this present crisis. The ultimate liberty to choose the moral path can never be taken from you and it is in times like these that that liberty must be exercised with unflinching confidence.

Our culture of herd behavior has led many to wrongly believe that only the masses can make significant change and so it is worthless to try to make a change.

My point is this; the greatest freedom you are inalienably entitled to is the freedom to choose whether or not to be moral. It is true that many of us do not have sufficient ability or opportunity to affect the political and economic decisions being made presently but all of us posses the sole ability to chose how we will live and those choices echo across the entire spectrum of our worldwide society.

You can make a difference.

That’s a small list. There’s a hundred more things I could add to it. My point isn’t about a to-do list though, it’s about choosing for yourself how you’ll live each day even if the markets crash, people around you lie and steal, or hope seems dashed to pieces.

Not much of a change

Two weeks ago Barak Obama was sworn in as our country's next president. The media and most Americans seem to be elated at the idea. It feels more like a wedding between lovers than a political appointment. I, on the other hand, feel despair and defeat. Ironically Obama's campaign motto was "change" yet the only change we'll see in political ideology and direction is the pace. Obama will simply accelerate the march towards socialism and the erosion of personal liberty and accountability. There is nothing new or unique about his philosophy and intentions.
Unfortunately there are few people who evaluate politics in terms of what it actually accomplishes instead of its intentions and promises. The American public has taken this naiveté and ignorance to a new level with the election of Obama. They don't even pause to ask what type of change he plans to implement or what the consequences of it will be. "Anything is better than what we have" they seem to say. What I think they will find is that things can and will get much worse. The reason I believe this is that history has taught us that governments can be a tremendously powerful force for good or bad for those it governs. History is replete with examples of tyrannical governments that have caused untold suffering, despair, and oppression through bad choices and policies. Ironically these choices have almost universally been accepted by the public through a belief in their good intentions rather than their inescapable consequences. The lesson that seems to never be learned is that less government is generally better than more government. Our natural desire for comfort and abundance makes us want to believe a politician who promises abundance without price yet nature itself does not allow this. No government mandate can provide health care, food, housing, jobs, and defense without a cost. All these things must be paid for, the question is how and by whom.
Counter intuitive as it may seem, the most likely way for a society to achieve abundance and productivity is through individual responsibility and good will. Government can best provide these things by creating an environment where people can provide for themselves, and through their own good will and choice provide for those who cannot do so themselves.
I fear that the more we look to government to provide for our needs the more we will come up wanting. It is a terrible illusion that proposes that government can better allocate the resources of a nation than individual choice and accountability can. Man’s unfortunate tendency to control others and abuse power virtually guarantees that too much power in a government will lead to oppression and suffering no matter how lofty and noble the original intentions.
If it were up to me I would choose less government, more individual responsibility, and with God's help a better world.