Sunday, July 3, 2011

Defending Freedom

Tomorrow I will celebrate Independence Day. Like so many other holidays that bear little semblance to their original premise, I think that the 4th of July has become hollow and trivial compared to it's origins. I sadly believe that too many Americans have little understanding of the principles behind the independence and liberty that we celebrate.
Politics can be a complex and thorny topic and sometimes it seems that the more people talk about it the less they agree. Perhaps this is because people don't argue about politics to come to agreement but I think a more likely reason is that people aren't discussing the right questions. Too often the debate and arguments about political subjects revolves around intentions, as though some people want peace, prosperity, and safety and others don't. It turns out everyone wants these things and sincerely believes that their ideas are the best way to achieve them. Unfortunately most people don't realize the ingredients that lead to this happy state of being.

We all sing the praises of freedom and pay honor to the founders of our country and way of life. We seem on the surface to value freedom and yet freedom is eroding. Why is this? Sadly it is not because of some foreign enemy who has declared war on our freedom. The enemy is our own misguided intentions that lack understanding of principles. The enemy is our own ignorance.

I believe that freedom is essential to happiness and that mankind deserves and has an inalienable right to individual liberty. Freedom is always a two edged sword bringing both great prosperity and happiness and terrible destruction and suffering. We cannot eliminate one without the other and herein lies the paradox and the difficulty of politics. We try a million different ways to uncouple those twin effects of liberty. We want to enjoy the all the good that freedom offers without the negative effects.

I believe the proper role of government is to protect our individual liberty and rights not to give us everything in life we might need or want. It can't give us those things no matter how much we legislate and mandate it because ultimately government is nothing more than us. We cannot accomplish through laws what we cannot bring ourselves to do individually.

I believe that an immoral society cannot be free. It's not vogue to call anything a sin these days. Political correctness says you can't call anything wrong and so we have to discuss every type of behavior, sexual conduct, and indulgence as equally valid lifestyle choices. We think that perversion, violence, and dishonesty can happen in a vacuum and only effect those who indulge in these things and perhaps a few others in close proximity. Maybe you don't like the word sin but that's what it's called. There are some things that are simply wrong and cannot be allowed without adversely affecting the fabric of our society. Freedom won't do us any good without an overwhelming majority of people who live with honesty and have respect for the property of others, who are willing to hard work and possess genuine compassion for others and a willingness to help those in need without thought of reward. We cannot ignore God or imagine one that smiles on us no matter what we do, and still prosper.

I believe that the rule of law is essential to freedom. This country is a republic not a democracy. There's a big difference between the two and it's one we better understand soon or all of our liberties will be gone before we know it. In a republic your individual rights are protected by the rule of law. The miracle of this country is that our constitution is the supreme law of the land and protects all people whether the whims of the majority agree with them or not. In a democracy you are only safe as long as you are part of the majority. Whether you believe it or not, in some aspect of your life you are a minority and if that part of your life is valuable to you the only hope you have of safety is under the protection of law and adherence to justice. If you think that everything in our society should be put up for vote you'll come to regret that point of view when society votes on whether the elements of your life are worth protecting.

Defending freedom isn't something that our military does in foreign countries. It is something that each person in this country must do as long as they want to preserve freedom. Liberty will cease to exist unless it is fought for and defended against an enemy that cannot be seen. This enemy is ourselves if we live in ignorance of the principles of freedom and lack the integrity, courage, and fortitude to love truth and live by it.

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