- Increased federal funding of biomedical research, information technology, and especially clean energy technology.
- Eliminate the billions in taxpayer dollars we currently give to oil companies.
- Mandate that by 2035, 80% of America's electricity will come from clean energy sources.
- Increased federal control, monitoring, and regulation of education through "Race to the Top".
- Lower unwarranted taxpayer subsidies that went to banks, and use the savings to implement tuition tax credits worth $10,000 for four years of college.
- Work to provide amnesty for illegal aliens who get degrees.
- Double federal funding of infrastructure projects including high-speed rail.
- Work to simplify the system. Get rid of the loopholes. Level the playing field. And use the savings to lower the corporate tax rate for the first time in 25 years – without adding to our deficit.
- Work with congress to improve and modify health care legislation but won't compromise on clause for pre-existing condition.
- Freeze annual domestic spending for the next five years.
- Develop a proposal to merge, consolidate, and reorganize the federal government in a way that best serves the goal of a more competitive America.
- Keep fighting wars
A lot of that is all well and good. It sounds fine on the surface but the problem is that it ignores fundamental principles of freedom and economics. Despite the best of intentions, the federal government has proven that it cannot improve economic productivity and job creation by manipulating prices and attempting to direct technology innovation that isn't demanded by free markets. It cannot improve education through centralized planning and control. It cannot provide a more efficient, fair, and affordable system of health care by simply mandating additional coverage to those who cannot afford it.
The vision that President Obama painted is one that we all share. It is the path to get there that remains in question. I propose a path of freedom, individual responsibility, decreased federal control of every facet of our lives and an adherence to the principles in the constitution.
Here's my government policy: stop doing what we're not good at and stop doing what somebody else should be doing. Like dealing with international strife - isn't that why we have NATO, UN, etc.? We have a gigantic military presence in Afghanistan, with the best trained and equipped soldiers in the world and we're not making headway. Afghanistan didn't get the American&French Revolutions memo or the World War 2 memo that nations exist within a boundary and we're all citizens who are in it together because we live within some imaginary lines.